Friday 29 April 2016

Heroine Chic

No, I'm not a drug addict, it's not Heroin chic, it's HEROINE CHIC. If your a fan of webtoons you might recognize the name.

Heroine Chic is a title that, for me fits my style. The webtoon stood out to me when I was thinking about a title for my Blog. I want to be the hero of my own life and the title also depicts my love of being a woman. I am a female and I am very proud to be one. Anyway, expect some posts on makeup because I'am obsessed. Some poetry because it's my escape from reality, some calligraphy, rants about life, and lastly KPOP!!! because KPOP!!.

BTW I'm from the Philippines and I'm just starting on makeup but i have been obsses with Kpop ever since "Haru Haru"*wink* *wink*

That's all.... byexx